Positive Self-Talk Heals the Mind and Body

At NuYu Wellness we are concerned, very concerned about your whole health.  According to Web MD 90% of your happiness is driven by attitude.  And that starts with what you say about you!

(If you are a skimmer- we would love some great vibes from you to nominate Life Essentials Day Spa for Best in the Boat in Steamboat Springs- find directions and links at the bottom!)

There is nothing more important in your journey than the way you talk to yourself. Yes, eating healthy, and finding your community are important but they won't take you anywhere if you are not able to take time every day to be kind to yourself.

No one is responsible for your success or failure except for you and that can be a lot of pressure. Learning to fit healthy eating into your already busy life is a lot of pressure, All of this pressure can easily make things a struggle for you.

You need someone in your corner, someone who will talk you up and motivate you when you feel like quitting. Most importantly you need someone who knows exactly what you are feeling all the time.  That is what makes the spa environment so enriching.  Positivity is our middle name.  It is our intent to make your experience with a  massage, facial, body treatment, or any service warm and inviting.  That starts by greeting you at the door with a big smile letting you know how much we enjoy your visit.

Part of choosing to work in a spa is choosing to work in and environment that builds people up. Every time you come in we want you to leave feeling great about yourself.

Don't Be Afraid to Talk To Yourself

If you think about it, we are all chatterboxes. From the time we get up to the time we go to bed we are chatting with one person or another. Whether it is on Facebook or with the cashier at the grocery store we are constantly talking.

The irony is that we spend so much time communicating with everyone else that we forget to communicate with ourselves. Or worse, we only communicate with ourselves when we are angry with ourselves.

Think about it, when was the last time you felt angry with yourself because you did something silly? Likely it was something you would tell your friend not to worry about if they had done it. For some sad reason, we are able to get angry with ourselves for the same things that we would tell others not to worry about.

The way you talk to yourself is going to affect how you see yourself. You might not realize it but over time this can really do damage to your self-esteem. If you start your journey to healthy living with a negative self-image, it will be so much easier for you to fail.

You will stumble on this journey and you will have times when you feel like you are being tempted or challenged. These things are only natural when you set out to change your lifestyle. If you aren't talking to yourself with kindness it will be easy for you to fail when these challenges hit.

Reward Yourself

Talking kindly to yourself is just one aspect of loving yourself. You also want to learn how to motivate yourself. Giving yourself something to be excited about will help you greatly as you move through this journey. Yes, there will be a time in the not too distant future when your greatest reward will be the way you feel about yourself, but while you are just starting to form your healthy eating habits rewarding yourself is a great way to stay excited about the changes you are making.

Your rewarding yourself is a great way to reinforce positive self-talk. Start with just a few affirmations or even telling yourself you did a good job.  Move up to bigger rewards as you get more patient with yourself.  Maybe you have been eyeing a certain book or wanting to get a certain hairstyle, or a monthly massage or facial. Positive reinforcement for positive self-talk doubles, no triples, the likelihood you will keep going.

Say Nice Things About Others

Ok, here is a simple truth.  When we struggle to say nice things about ourselves those around us struggle too.  Start saying kind, loving, positive words to the people around you.  Something as simple as "thanks for the help," or "you look nice," "good job," or "glad I got to see you today," will lighten the mood around you.

Kindness blesses us twice, once by giving love to someone else and second by building up our own self-esteem by doing a positive action. Now take this positive phrase and use it on yourself.  Even if you don't believe it right now, you will.

Best in the Boat -Steamboat Springs, Colorado

We want to hear from you!  This is the time of year when Steamboat Residences get to voice the nice things about professionals and business in our community.  Here is how you can do that!   Thank you for all the positive vibes you put in Life Essential Day Spa's bucket!Click here to jump in and nominate your favorite business!

ReferencesWeb Md The Positive Power of Talking


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