Spring Is A Great Time For A Massage

Don't you love Spring? Everything seems bright and new, and there is a feeling of optimism in the air. The flowers are blooming, and the sun warms our days are starting to appear even in the high Rocky Mountains of Steamboat Springs!

That is why Spring is a great time for a massage.

People start Spring cleaning and some motivated souls even have garage sales. Spring is the season to make a fresh start physically, emotionally, and mentally.

Many of us have stayed indoors during the winter months, maybe more than any previous winter. Staying physically active is more of a challenge when you are limited to a treadmill and living room space for yoga and weights. So a massage will get your circulation going, muscle tension released, and give your body a physical boost into being more active outdoors this Spring.

Mentally you might have suffered from a case of the winter blues. Massage increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine, which both lift your mood and feelings of joy. Essential oils used during massage can also encourage your body to start producing those feel-good hormones.

massage also lowers your stress levels

Massage also lowers your stress levels

Yep! a massage also lowers your stress levels, improves sleep patterns, skin tone, stimulates the lymphatic system to release toxins from your body, and increases joint mobility and flexibility. Mentally you can expect clarity and a feeling of peacefulness as you let go of the stress and worries from life that you are carrying around both consciously and subconsciously.

As much as we love seeing the daffodils in bloom, that pretty yellow blanket and other floral beauties can cause allergies for many people. Massage can help alleviate some of the symptoms caused by allergies that seem to appear during Springtime. A facial massage can ease the pain of pressure, headaches, and blocked sinuses.

Massage is wonderful for your mind, body, and soul. You can think of booking a massage this month as Spring cleaning for yourself on every level.


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