Ten Things To Do In Steamboat Springs When The First Snows Fall

Snowy mountain ski lift photo

Steamboat has already had its first big snowstorm with six inches holding strong at the higher elevations. You may not think it’s time for winter, but after all, this is Steamboat and you pretty much have to be prepared for winter every month of the year. Before the snow gets good enough to ski, ride, snowshoe or snowmobile here are a few things you can do when the first snows fall.

  1. Stick your tongue out and catch a snowflake.

  2. Build a snowman/snowwoman. Steamboat is known for its champagne powder that is too light to pack a snowball much less a snowman but early season snows tend to be wet enough to pack in a solid snow sculpture.

  3. Make a fire. If you are lucky enough to have a wood-burning fireplace, go out and chop some wood and let the flames crackle. If you have a gas fireplace, uncork a bottle of wine and cozy up with a good book or someone you love and pretend it’s caveman/cavewoman days.

  4. Go to the movies. There’s something magical about getting lost in a good movie when it’s cold and snowy outside.

  5. When the snow stops take a walk in the moonlight. You will be amazed how brightly the moon lights up the snow, the trails and even the icicles hanging on the trees.

  6. Pretend it’s not snowing by getting a hot stone massage. With hot stones placed strategically on pressure points, you’ll not only warm up but you may even feel like you’ve been transported to a tropical island.

  7. Go for a walk through the aspens during the sunrise. Almost always the first snows fall when the aspen leaves are stills a golden yellow. The contrast between fall and winter is magical.

  8. Take a bubble bath. There’s nothing better than a long, hot bath to take winter’s chill away.

  9. Enjoy a specialty drink. If you read these blogs you know I like hot chocolate. Throw in a little peppermint schnapps and you’ll be more than ready for winter.

  10. Be a kid again. Pull out a sled and fly down a snowy hill.

For massages and other tips about Steamboat, call Life Essentials Day Spa at 970-871-9543.


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